You can request a Return Authorization Number (RAN) in one of the following ways:
- if you have registered: access the Orders section of your account by clicking here. Select the order that includes the item/s you wish to return, click on "Return" and follow the procedure. If you cannot find your order in your account, please create your RAN here as an unregistered customer. To access the request form, simply enter your order number and the e-mail address used to place the order. Fill in the form with the information requested, including: the details of each item, the quantity of items that you would like to return and the reason for the return.
- if you have not registered: access the “Return Authorization” section on the website by clicking here. To access the request form, simply enter your order number and the e-mail address used to place the order. Fill in the form with the information requested, including: the details of each item, the quantity of items that you would like to return and the reason for the return.
What is a RAN? Why do I have to request one?
I cannot create the RAN. How should I proceed?